Sunday, 25 March 2007

A cause for concern: A Greener parliament or not?

I have recently searched the parliament hansard archives on the UK's Government views on the ideas of greener airplanes. To my amazement i only found one report which dated back to to 16 January 2004. A whole 3 years have passed since then. In this report Lord Beaumont of Whitley proposed a bill to reduce emissions of CO, NOx and greenhouse gases due to air traffic.

The government have predicted that air travel will treble during the next 30 years. (shocking, i know)and in the the White Paper published in Decemeber 2003 there were proposed plans to build new runways at Stansted, Heathrow and Birmingham and other airports to meet demands.

The cost of UK avaition's contribution to climate change is estimated at well over £2 Billion a year. By 2050, avaition could be conributing up to 15 percent of overall global warming effctes produced by human activities.

I know that my local MP and the government have strong issues on the topic of current warming, but if aviation pollution is one of the major causes of this disaster, then why aren't they proposing any solutions or at least raising the area more frequently in parliament?

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