Saturday, 10 March 2007

Ambitious targets agreed to reduce global warming

In a bid to avert potential human calamity,carbon emissions are to be slashed by 20% by 2020 as a result of decisions taken at the summit meeting on 8-9 March. This figure could go up to 30% if counties outside the EU agree to match the commitment.

Coming together at the EU’s spring council, heads of state not only agreed on the emissions reduction but also to a 20% increase in energy efficiency, a 10% increase in use of biofuels and a binding 20% target for the use of renewable energy sources.

The topic is "extremely important for the whole of humanity" said Ms Merkel. "To reduce global warming by 2 percent we need to take the necessary measures, avoiding what could well be human calamity", she explained.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey neeta, i think ur doin a really good job on this subject, i dont think people are really aware of the issues here.
kepp u the good work!