Sunday, 25 March 2007

Branson urges cooperation on climate change

It seems like Richard Branson seems to be the only fore front figure caring about the problems arising with global warming and aircraft pollution, which is more than I can say for the UK goverment.

In an article written in the Guardian on 27 Septemeber 2006 it states:

Sir Richard Branson today called on the global aviation industry to work together to tackle the growing issue of climate change and outlined plans for a "starting grid" on runways to reduce fuel use.

The billionaire businessman, who last week pledged US$3bn dollars towards renewable energy initiatives, said if airlines, airports, air traffic controllers and governments worked together, up to 25% of the world's aviation carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions could be cut.

He has written to other airlines, engine manufacturers and airport operators urging them to support a cross industry forum that will help deliver practical ways of tackling global warming.

Glad to see someone is taking an interest. It's only the world at stake here.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good post.